Friday, May 22, 2009

i miss u all~

Doin some I-week stuffs.. while waiting ideas appearing in my mind, write stg to refresh my mind..
Had a dinner date with old days' best frens, and i probably had never laughed so much for quite a long time..
It was enjoyable in fact.. We did not cared when others were turning their sight on us, we were like talking and eating in our own 'world'..

FRIENDs, these few words mean very much to me, and tat night i found back the feeling which seem had lost for quite a long time..

Someone told me tis when i was still in my secondary stage. He said:' Appreciate your secondary school's frens,the time you spent with them will be the most precious moment which u will probably miss when u proceed to another life stage..' He was a college student tat time, and when he told me tis, i did not bared his sentence in mind..

But now, when i proceed to uni, i found he was absolutely saying the right things..
Now, i couldn't find the feeling of being crazy and happy with a group of frens like u all..
Miss u all, miss the laughs, miss the moments v spent during the stay-backs and tuition classes..

4 of us has our own route..

Ashley, the moments v spent are like the stars in the planets.. No jokes, it's not easy to had a fren since nursery.. The existance of each other was like a routine until v had been seperated by our different study route.. However, never forget v are always the best buddy for each other!! i'll Miss u like crazy as i always do..

huiying a.k.a 八婆,u r always the one i admire.. u hav ur own thiking, ur own style, and made me love u so much.. There are laughters whenever u are with us.. All the best, our future doctor/dentist.. 26 isn't too old by the way XD.. Hope to get cheaper consultation fees in the future, in case v need tat, touch wood.. XD
i'll Miss u like crazy as i always do..

Ely, it had been reali reali damn long since our last meet..U are always the fashionable one.. hey fren, don shop too much, control!! hehe.. A pretty gal who has her own eating style, a choosy one!! she always gave us lots of 'information' bout others, the so-called 8 gua, lol a better way, she is our PR as what she is studying now..
i'll Miss u like crazy as i always do..

Take care, all of u.. nena will always there for u all ..

Pictures tell everythings ( from previous till now):

Nena and ELy~ Ely and Ashley~ Bapo winnie~

And NOW~

From upper left: Nena and Bapo
From lower left: Ely and Ashley

Did v changed a lot??

God blesses~

writing off,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Result- the climb

Juz received a call 5 mins ago, he told me most of my sem 2's final exam's result...
Kinda disapointed..
It actually improved , but dunno y i'm still not so happy and without any satisfaction..
I've vowed to myself over and over again, i must put efforts, i must..
but in fact i did not tried my best, although i did tried better...

This sentence made me think a lot, it's meaningful..

'LAZY'.. I swear I will beat tis fellow up!!

I can almost see it,
the dreams I'm dreaming
there's a voice inside my head saying
you'll never reach it.

Every step I'm taking,
every move I make
i feel lost with no direction.

My faith is shakin.
But I, I gotta keep tryin.
Gotta keep my head held high.

There's always gonna be another mountain.
I'm always gonna wanna make it move.
Always gonna be an uphill battle.....

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose.
Ain't about how fast I get there.
Ain't about what's waitin on the other side.
It's all about the climb.

The struggles I'm facing,the chances I'm taking sometimes might knock me down but
No! I'm not breaking.

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most..
Just gotta keep going.
And I, I gotta be strong.
Just keep pushing on..

There's always gonna be another mountain.
I'm always gonna wanna make it move.

Keep on moving,
Keep climbing,
Keep the faith,

It's all about the climb...

Monday, May 11, 2009

my我的 1st year第一年 in FPP and 7th College, UM......

It had been so long i didn't came to update my blog.. Frankly, 2009 past with almost half, now only i have my time..

1. 新的尝试
3。 总结

家常说大学不只是一张文凭,要好好体验大学生活。。马大会计系,虽然它不是我一开始的梦想,但现实把我拉了回来,我不得不承认。。 我不喜欢留白,总希望在我大学的白纸上加上些什么,彩色的也好,黑白的也罢,就是不喜欢留白。。这一年,我算是办到了。





所以,经过很多的失望,我变了。。 开始对友情存有一丝丝的怀疑。。 或许和你的想法不一样,我有我的梦想,偶尔实话实说,才会换来你们的窃窃私语。。

我在想,是不是人长大了,知心的朋友也会变得很少。。我承认,朋友的确多了,但谁又是真正在我有难的时候会伸出援手的呢?我不晓得,因为曾经,我觉得会帮我的人却丢下我一个人,而觉得不会帮我的人却让我感动了。。所以,有时真的不明白。。 所以我说嘛,我很怀念从前的人情味。。中学的四人行,Matric的四人行,真令人怀念。。

不过,大学里也是有几个谈得来的朋友。。突然想起一个人,她我大学里的第一个聆听着,那时她哭着,我们在楼梯里聊了好久,虽说那时我是她的聆听者,但和她的那一段对话,我领悟了很多。。 当然还有另外两个,它们是我学习的对象,也是我相处不久却很好谈的朋友,想起那时我们的相约谈心,虽很累但硬是要完成我们的承诺,虽然我像是突然加下去的一角,但我庆幸有你们。。

对事物的要求,似乎也有些改变。。 对自己的要求高了,但在某方面偶尔不会太执着,顺其自然就好。。 大学是一个小社会,尤其是会计系,让我看到了很多,有好的,当然也有不好的。。明争暗斗,面具人,这些都是环境的压迫吧?我以后工作环境遇到的也会使这些吗?我想,如果要爬得高,这些肯定免不了,因为现实让你不得不那么做。。所以,我一直对未来充满疑惑,这是我要的吗?我会继续寻找答案。。

有个好朋友他告诉我,我看得还不够多,或许吧。。 说起他,突然好想他,想念他的拥抱, 哎呀离题了,哈哈!我相信,我看的,懂的还不够多。。 但我害怕越是懂,看到的丑恶越是多。。但,又能怎样呢?不能因为不要面对而站在原点,别人不会因为这样而同情你,大家只会一直向前走。。 唉,长大真烦!!!!!!


好了,懒惰写了,总结一下吧。。 以下是曾经在我的第一年的大学生涯里留下深刻脚印的人和事:

六人行的五个你们(baby,deardear, fong, ling,shya) , KAT, Kim, Tong ,7th coursemates们,seniors们。。。。。。。

Acc Camp( best), mkc华乐,CC,Haluansiswa, Iweek08, 1/1/2009, DataranZaba,library(s), BaganLallang,IS,kolam。。。。。。。。。。。。

* 还有很多啦我列不完,突然觉得很难用文字来表达,太久没写华文了吧!

我知道,以后的路还很长,我也有好多梦想还没完成, 人生就是一连串的梦想组织成的,这句话很有意思。。

